SOLOPOS.COM - Head o Industrial Engineering Study Program, UNS Solo, Eko Liquiddanu when met at his office, Thursday (13/7/2023).( Wahyu Sejati), SOLO —  Industrial Engineering Study Program (PSTI) Faculty of Industrial Engineering Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Solo, Central Java, Indonesia, has international accreditation from the Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education or IABEE.

Head of Industrial Engineering Study Program, UNS Solo,  Eko Liquiddanu said that to respond the international scale competition, there is a need to standardize service quality through IABEE.

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Moreover, IABEE Accreditation ensures that study programs prepare graduates who meet international standards and qualifications to enter the professional world.

Likewise, in the UNS Solo IT study program, Eko said that the educational process carried out refers to the results of learning outcomes. This means that the learning process of students on campus is measured by how much their impact for the environment or society.

In addition, through IABEE accreditation, the IT Study Program can develop a learning culture connected to the business and industrial world (DUDI).

“So bridging the world of industry and campus,” he told, recently.

IABEE is an independent non-profit organization established as part of the Association of Indonesian Engineers (PII) to foster a culture of quality in the management of higher education in engineering and computing.

“Now, PII is sponsoring IABEE, an institution that guarantees that the learning process is in accordance with the needs in the field,” he said.

One of the advantages of the IT Study Program after applying the IABEE accreditation standard is the capstone project. This project program is intended for IT students when they enter the final semester. In this project students are divided into groups to be sent to industrial areas, for example the center of the vegetable industry in Cepogo, Boyolali, Central Java.

“Students are required to look for problems experienced by business actors there, then formulate solutions by designing tools,” he said.

Through this learning process, students can also train skills such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.

“Especially how to solve problems together is very important to understand the engineering design process,” he said.

Besides that, by going directly in the workplace, the campus can assess how students solve problems. Eko said that in compiling the curriculum, the study program involved industry, local government, and research institutions to formulate graduate profiles.

He said one of the profiles of graduates of the Bachelor of Industrial Engineering is that they quickly adapt to a dynamic environment.

“This is the result of input from alumni who have worked in the industry. They suggest that IT graduates must be able to respond to change. We know that the industry cannot be stagnant, but instead, it tends to change a lot,” he said.

UNS Industrial Engineering through IABEE accreditation succeeded in aligning the curriculum with industrial needs.

One of UNS IT alumnus, Benedicta Amadea, an HR Officer at PAKO Group, said that the material she has learned is very useful in the workplace.

“When we become HR, our role is to develop related human resources, because what in the workplace is the application of what I learned in college. This helps me to translate employee needs for human resource development,” she said.

Likewise Rasyid Yudhistira as the Head of the Internal Auditor Section of PT Build a Success Facility. For this job, he must have the ability to analyze both general and specific problems.

“Studying Industrial Engineering has helped me in honing these skills. The courses in Industrial Engineering, especially UNS, help students to have qualified provisions in the future job,” he said.

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