SOLOPOS.COM - Faculty of Engineering UNS recruited practitioner lecturers from business and industrial sector. (UNS Doc), SOLO — Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Solo, recruited two lecturers from business and industrial sectors.

Not only bringing closer and increasing cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering UNS and industrial sectors, but the recruitment of practicing lecturers is also one of the 2021 UNS Creative Leap program implementations.

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The practitioner lecturer is Gunadi, S.T., M.M. who is also PT Hutama Karya Persero’s Director of Operations II. Previously, Gunadi had served as Director of Operations III at PT Waskita Karya Tbk (WSKT), for the 2019 to July 2022 period.

Gunadi, who lives in East Jakarta, graduated from a Master’s in Management Masters at the Jakarta Bina Nusantara Institute (graduated in 2019).

Another practicing lecturer, namely Fajar Budi Laksono, S.Sc., M.Eng from PT. Dtech Innovation Indonesia. Fajar is an alumnus of the Masters in Interdisciplinary Program of Marine Convergence Design Pukyong National University Korea (graduated in 2016).

Fajar, who lives in Salatiga, has also been registered as a lecturer with a NIDK (Special Lecturer Identification Number) at the Higher Education Data Base (PD Dikti) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology with a home base in the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering UNS.

They were both appointed as practicing lecturers at the Faculty of Engineering UND with a Chancellor’s Decree starting February 1, 2021, to teach a minimum of 4 credits in one semester at the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, UNS.

“This is also part of the strategy to strengthen the Faculty of Engineering’s human resources which is carried out in collaboration with business and industrial sectors. Practicing lecturers can provide professional experience in business and industrial sectors to be applied in campus learning,” said the person in charge of the program, Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Sutopo, S.T., M.Si, recently met at his office.

Wahyudi Sutopo who is also Deputy Dean of HR, Finance, and Logistics, at the Faculty of Engineering UNS, said that the recruitment of practicing lecturers had a very significant impact on the achievement of the five programs of the Faculty of Engineering, including to contribute revenue generating for UNS.

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