SOLOPOS.COM - Center for Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University (FT UNS) Solo held a seminar in Building 3 FT UNS Solo, Monday,5 June 2023. ( Wahyu Sejati), SOLO — The Engineering Education Center, Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University (FT UNS) Solo held a seminar in Building 3 FT UNS Solo, Monday, 5 June 2023.

The seminar discussed curriculum alignment between universities and industries. The seminar presented speakers from the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) and PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN).

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The Dean of FT UNS Solo, Sholihin As’ad, said that the seminar presented two speakers from academic and practitioner backgrounds.

He explained, so far the campus and industry have been running separately, especially when compiling the curriculum.

“The industry can also provide input that the graduates they need, the competition, so that we can review the curriculum on campus,” he said when interviewed by in his office, Monday (5/6/2023).

He thought the development of the industry is much different. Even the features of students who are now mostly Millennials and  Z Generation have different learning styles. The curriculum on campus also needs to be adjusted.

“We always think that [universities] can, who prepared curriculum for maybe ten years ago, are now changing very fast, especially since the current generation is different,” he said.

In the same vein, a Professor of Structural Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Nordin Yahaya said that today’s industry has developed far and campuses must be able to keep up.

The academic from Malaysia who was also the resource person said campuses must increase the relevance, affordability, and flexibility of the curriculum. So that the campus can pursue industrial growth. He said that to align curriculum and industry, partnerships and cooperation were needed.

“There needs to be synergy with the government, industry, alumni, and society from across disciplines. Including collaboration with international partners to improve the quality of education, research, and innovation,” he said as a guest speaker, Monday.

In addition, to realize universities that can synergize with industry, solid leadership is needed. He emphasized campus leaders, in this case, the dean and rector, must have a clear vision.

“The leader have to push the strategic vision and mission of the institution. Motivate all stakeholders and maintain institutional sustainability,” he said

Meanwhile, the General Manager of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), Jaka Purwanto said that he had collaborated with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through an independent campus internship program.

“We are collaborating with the independent campus, by providing internships. During the internship, training will be provided. Then we give the project accompanied by a motorbike. This is so that students can strengthen the learning experience,” he said.

He also said students need to be allowed to learn directly from the industry to be able to improve competence and get to know the work culture in companies.

“Then universities need to continue to collaborate with industry to stay updated on industrial developments,” he said.

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